martes, 19 de junio de 2018


We did a project about listenings. We listened at class songs and then we had to do summaries giving our opinion. I think that it was an interesting project and I liked some songs like bohemiand rhapsody or the typewriter.

Then we did a poster with the summaries of the listenings

jueves, 26 de abril de 2018

Radio programme


This proyect consists of doing a programme of radio. Each one have a role and have to look for information of his topic. I´m going to talk about the weather. I put the weather of the zones in the peninsula and the forecast for the next week. t the end we have to record it and do like a radio.

Resultado de imagen de radio programme

Imagen relacionada

I´m a believer

We are doing another proyect that consists of doing in a choreography with the song I´m a believer of the film Shreck. We listened the song at class and the teacher gave us a page with the lyrics of the song. Now we have to do a choreography. I like this song and its lyrics.

Music and news

We were recolecting news about music and then we have to do a poster with the summaries of the news. We did a shape of a newspaper with images of newspapers and we put the articles in. I think that it is a great idea and apart of learning english we learn more about music.

Here is a link to see my articles

Imagen relacionada    Resultado de imagen de music and news

Bim Bam

We are doing a proyect that consists in a percussion music. We have to do the same things at the same time. It consists in clap, lap and snap with rythm. The proyect is called bim bam and at the end we have to record a video doing the song. In my opinion this proyect is quite interesting because you learn how continue the rythm and I like it.

martes, 17 de abril de 2018


This trimester I like so much the audio of Bohemian Rhapsody and used noteflight. I don´t like so much the anthem of the UEFA. This term I learnt a lot of the instruments and the intervals. We did summaries of some songs and notices, we had to put our opinion and the main information.

Resultado de imagen de bohemian rhapsody

jueves, 15 de marzo de 2018

Score 2

We did another score but this time we had to do a score with determinated voices. In total there have to be four different voices. One rythim voice, a wood-instrument, a stringed intrument and a free instrument. I decided to put the drums, the trumpet, the oboe and finally the violin. I like this project because I like using noteflight and I think that is an interesting way to use our creativity.

sábado, 10 de marzo de 2018

My opinion about noteflight

In music we use a website called noteflight. I think that is a great website because you can make your own score and listen how is it, I like so much this way to do a score.

Huma voice

We had to do another poster about the human voice. We looked for information and the clasification about the voice, then we selected the information and we started to make tthe poster. We put what is the voice, the origin of the voice and the process about produce the voice. I don´t have a image of the poster but this is my information about voice.

viernes, 9 de marzo de 2018

Music in our daily life

We did a poster with some information about how music affects our daily life. We investigated and we put some photos too. The music can change our feelings, helps us in our health and it can improve our imagination.

The guitar

We had to choose an instrument and put some information about it and I chose the guitar. It is a string instrument and one of the oldest instruments in the world. I think that it is an interesting instrument.  

domingo, 21 de enero de 2018

Stop motion

We did an interesting proyect, a stop motion. It wasn't easy but I had a good time and my group was fantastic. This is the result final.

jueves, 11 de enero de 2018

Self Assesment

Before I couldn´t say the qualities of the sound. Now I know which are and I can say something about them, also I can represented .
I liked most when we did a poster for the classroom. I did a poster with the question: "What is the sound?"
I did well the stop motion and I think that it was great. In my group were Cristina, Vera, Paula and me. We did a well job.
If I have to choose one activity I think that I prefer the stop motion. I really like it although I haven´t seen the final result because we haven´t got the video yet.

Resultado de imagen de stop motion