domingo, 21 de enero de 2018

Stop motion

We did an interesting proyect, a stop motion. It wasn't easy but I had a good time and my group was fantastic. This is the result final.

jueves, 11 de enero de 2018

Self Assesment

Before I couldn´t say the qualities of the sound. Now I know which are and I can say something about them, also I can represented .
I liked most when we did a poster for the classroom. I did a poster with the question: "What is the sound?"
I did well the stop motion and I think that it was great. In my group were Cristina, Vera, Paula and me. We did a well job.
If I have to choose one activity I think that I prefer the stop motion. I really like it although I haven´t seen the final result because we haven´t got the video yet.

Resultado de imagen de stop motion